Our logo represents the diversity of people. Expressed in the colours of the rainbow. But it should also show how colourful our world actually is and how beautiful it is that it is so wonderfully colourful. The handshake shows us that it is absolutely OK to shake hands even if you disagree.

Left: 1st board of directors Klaus Pertl

Right: 2nd board member Lothar Hirneise


IBAM (Ich bin anderer Meinung) is a non-profit association. 1st board member is Klaus Pertl (KlausPertl.com) and 2nd board member is Lothar Hirneise (Hirneise.de). Both have been involved in researching non-university cancer therapies for over 20 years. But this is secondary to the work at IBAM. Our board, our founding members, but also our members in general, are all about bringing holistic thinking people together. For a better world. For a more just world. For a more beautiful world.

Most of our members have always done more than they should have throughout their lives – and gladly. Everyone in his or her job, in his or her family, and as a citizen of the earth for all. That is why many of us found it so difficult to be pushed into passivity against our will. This intensified when we became intensively involved with the Covid-19 issue. In the process, most of us were able to see relatively quickly that we were being taught in a very, very one-sided way by the public news. The hasty shutdown, which will be responsible for more deaths than Covid-19, prompted us to consider whether we should now just sit passively at home or whether we can actively do something. And that’s how the movement was born: Disagree.

If you also think that something is going really wrong here at the moment, please support us. Even if we don’t change anything tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, what we do TODAY is still extremely important. Let’s show our politicians that we want to be heard in the future and that we will not accept a second time a policy over our heads and against scientific facts.

INDEPENDENCE is very important to us! Promised!

No religious intentions

Although many of our members are believers in God and spiritual people, we are not acting for a religious community. We support the free choice and practice of religion.

No political intentions

Although many of us are interested in political issues, we do not act or advertise for a party! Our aim is to support non-party politicians who are only responsible to their voters and not to their parties.

No institutional intentions

Although some of our members own companies or are directors of organizations, none of us act as company owners. We are committed people. Privately and professionally. No more, but also no less.

We are responsible for what we do,

but also for what we do not do.


Francois-Marie Arouet, also known as Voltaire

Contact us!

By email to info@ichbinanderermeinung.de or using this form.

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