Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, etc. – There are countless networks in which people exchange information, and that’s a good thing. Not for nothing are these networks popular with so many people. However, most of them have the disadvantage that they spread far too much negativity and are also permanently censored. Although Facebook, for example, is the most censored, most people still communicate through it. The simplicity of the system and the good overview, unlike Telegram for example, are certainly the main reasons for this.
The new, independent network Wir.Miteinander.io may have visual similarities with Facebook, but its content is exactly on the other side. While Facebook increasingly censors and blocks holistic thinkers, Wir.Miteinander promotes these groups and does not censor them. Conventional fact-checkers and anti-democrats don’t even get access, let alone lobbyists. Finally, there is a network for idealists and holistically thinking people who want to leave this world a little better.
We at IBAM exchange information on this network. Internally to discuss matters that only IBAM members are interested in. But also externally, because at Wir.Miteinander we mainly meet people who think outside the box.
And hier is the link to the network Wir.Miteinander.io
- Vaccinate
- 5G
- Holistic Medicine
- Spiritual
- Education
- Church
- Social threefolding
- Artists help
- Entrepreneurs help each other
- EBooks to give away
- Legal
- Flyer
- Demos
- Symbols
- Conventional Medicine
- Holistic oncology.
- and much, much more!
- Start your own group and exchange with other holistic thinking people!
Social Tripartism
A few days ago, a cooperative called Menschlich-Wert-Schaffen was founded. This cooperative represents the basis of economic life, in which companies, but also private individuals, undertake to deal with each other in a social or fraternal manner according to the concept of social tripartism. The cooperative is currently building a fantastically large platform. Companies, but also consumers can act together in this new system, in this new world, exchange ideas, help each other and simply start a new, a better world. We at IBAM support this path. More about this soon.