IBAM Experts
Because we could all use some good advice.
Knowledge is a precious commodity. Each of us has needed advice several times in our lives. At the doctor, at school, in marriage, at the tax consultant and also at a bank. The difficulty of “good advice” is rather to evaluate how good and above all how independent of other interests this advice is. We cannot take this assessment away from you either. What we can say, however, is that the experts at IBAM are without exception people with a great deal of specialist knowledge. A knowledge that they will not find “on every corner”.
Lothar Hirneise talks about the IBAM Expert Council.
The IBAM expert team
For more information just click on picture or name
Dr. Alexandra Kleeberg
Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Walach
Dr. Rüdiger Dahlke
Clemens Kuby
Jens Lehrich
Klaus Pertl
Sven Böttcher
Hans Tolzin
Dietrich Busacker
Bernd Joschko
Lothar Hirneise
Matthias Langwasser
Thomas Stapper
Dr. Alexandra Kleeberg
Dr. Alexandra Kleeberg, psychotherapist, speaker, trainer and author is the co-founder of Collective Healing. Collective Healing wants to inform, inspire and initiate people to take their health back into their own hands, to develop their potential and to network for a fulfilled future. Alexandra knows that the power of self-healing is our birth gift and can be enlivened and shaped. She teaches this in her regular groups, in her lectures and in her online courses. She explains to people with theoretical knowledge, practical exercises and healing imaginations how they can integrate the power of self-healing back into their own lives. More info…
Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald Walach
Evaluation of medical procedures
Prof. Walach studied psychology and philosophy in parallel (from 1978-1984, with a year abroad in philosophy at University College London. He is now a professor at the Medical University of Poznan, Poland and a visiting professor at the University of Witten-Herdecke (Philosophical Foundations of Psychology). He is also the founder and director of the “Change Health Science Institute” and works as a freelance consultant, scientist, author and coach. Until 2016 he was professor for research methodology at the European University Viadrina. In his 30-year career in the evaluation of complementary medicine, he has published more than 165 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals, written 86 chapters for books, written 11 books himself and edited 13. He is particularly interested in the role of consciousness in medicine, but also in our culture. What has led him in recent years to questions of meditation research and the cultivation of consciousness. In the corona crisis he joined forces with 4 other professors (Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Prof. Dr. Stefan Hockertz, Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg, Prof. Dr. Werner Müller) and submitted a “Joint question to the parliamentary groups of the German Bundestag on the government measures in the corona crisis”. More Info… Recent articles: * The wave is over * The infection rate of sars-CoV-2 and the ludicrous hope for vaccination * Joint press release of the external experts of the BMI Corona paper
In conversation: “The Lockdown Critics”
Coronavirus – is vaccination the solution to all problems?
The corona phase also holds opportunities!
Dr. Ruediger Dahlke
Holistic medicine
Ruediger Dahlke is internationally active as a seminar leader and speaker. He developed the holistic psychosomatics from illness as a path to illness as a symbol. His books, which extend the medical field into mythical dimensions, are available in 28 languages. His trilogy of laws of fate, shadow principle and life principles conveys his philosophical basis. The Peace Food series and Secret of Life Energy helped to spread the vegan lifestyle. In his centre TamanGa in Austria he gives fasting (hiking) courses and has written books on this subject such as Conscious Fasting, Fasting Hiking and Fasting Initiation. Another focus of his work is the Connected Breath. Today he gives trainings like Integral Medicine, Fasting Advisor, Connected Breath, School of Life. More Info…
Free download of the ebook for all fans of Ruediger!
Clemens Kuby
Self-healing processes
The filmmaker
The author
The Speaker
What Clemens Kuby has learned over the years about self-healing processes and through his own history, he passes on on site and online in lectures, workshops and seminars comprehensible for everyone.
Jens Lehrich
Moderator & Free Spirit
Jens Lehrich cannot be described in a few words. He is an author, comedian (yes, it is him, the well-known Hans Werner Baumann from Baumann & Clausen), husband, vegetarian, piano player, quantum physics enthusiast, social critic and a gifted presenter. He is also a trained radio journalist and freelance author. For over 25 years he has been producing, speaking and writing comedy series for private radio. At the same time he explains to people that happiness and peace (SATISFACTION) are no coincidence, but a matter of attitude. His son fell ill with diabetes at the age of 3 years. This serious cut has changed his and his family’s life forever. However, from today’s point of view it has had a positive effect. In his blog Ahundredmonkeys he presents stories and people who dare to take new paths, who swim against the current, who are courageous and think differently. For peace, for justice, for more joy in life. More Info…
Here is just a small excerpt from Jens Lehrich’s work. More videos and articles under: Rubikon and Ahundredmonkeys.
Klaus Pertl
Coaching & Onko Mind Program
Sven Böttcher
Professional lateral thinking
Sven Böttcher, *1964 in Buchholz in der Nordheide, married, father of three daughters, after studying in Hamburg in the early nineties of the last millennium advertiser (DMB&B) and conceptioner for various major clients, then developer & author of TV formats (including BECKMANN, RAN FUN, DER BAYERISCHE FERNSEHPREIS, COMEDY CLUB, DIE ZEIT IST REIF für ERNST EISWÜRFEL) as well as media marketing strategies; presenter coach, speechwriter, journalist, essayist and cultural critic (Die Woche, Der Rabe, Maxim, Kowalski), comedy author and producer (Funny Dubbing). Also: writer, non-fiction and screenplay writer, translator from English and American. Sven Böttcher (Homepage) has built up a large fan community in Germany over many years, who like his critical thinking, but also his great sense of humour. Here you can find articles that (also) deal with Corona. But Sven Böttcher is also a great role model for many MS patients, because he has proven that it is possible to deal with this disease in a different way.More info…
Here is a small excerpt from Sven’s work. More at Youtube.
Hans Tolzin
Vaccination criticism
Dietrich Busacker
Development Policy
Dietrich Busacker is a visionary entrepreneur and co-founder and CEO of Collective Healing as well as co-founder and CEO of ECO-Consult. Over the past 30 years, his experience as an international development consultant, sociologist and entrepreneur has helped transform societies, politics and human behavior to create a more sustainable world. Dietrich founded ECO-Consult 25 years ago. Today, it is one of the leading German development consultancy firms for education, renewable resource management, climate change adaptation and decentralisation. ECO-Consult is an established provider of international consulting services in planning, management, monitoring and evaluation of projects, programmes and guidelines. Dietrich has contributed to the successful implementation of hundreds of long-term and short-term projects in over 80 countries. More about Dieter Bursacker’s activities under: www.healnow.org www.eco-consult.com www.collectivehealing.com
Bernd Joschko
Inner World Tours
Starting in 2012, significant changes were introduced into the Synergetics method and labelled as psychobionics. The client as a facilitator optimizes important archetypal images (archetypal images) of his subconscious and can thus strengthen his self-healing powers enormously! Psychobionics uses evolutionary bionic procedures found in 30 years of research work to restructure the subconscious!
Here you can read 150 documented sessions to better understand how and why inner world travel works.
Lothar Hirneise
Non-university cancer therapies
In countless cases, however, the researcher Lothar Hirneise was able to show that there are cancer therapies available worldwide that can still help even when everyone says that there is no help left. Instead of accepting the university dogmas of oncology unchecked, he set off on a journey that has now lasted more than 20 years and is now able to prove that mutations are not the cause but a concomitant phenomenon in the development of cancer cells.
Here is a small extract from Lothar Hirneise’s videos. And here the link to all IBAM videos.
Matthias Langwasser
Vegan nutrition, raw food & protection of our rainforests
His profound experiences and his wealth of knowledge from his connection with nature, but also his living vision about a holistic change of direction and a new consciousness is what Matthias now authentically carries into the world as a sought-after speaker at congresses. The pillars of his manifold contents are on the one hand the healing of Mother Earth and on the other hand the healing of human beings. For the human being himself is the tip of the scales when it comes to how worth living on earth remains. More information under: matthias-langwasser.com
Thomas Stapper
Homeopath and petition specialist
Before that he worked in Berlin as a homeopath and as a graduate sociologist in various projects. During his studies of sociology, psychology (especially with Prof. Klaus Holzkamp) and political science at the Free University of Berlin, Thomas became acquainted with homeopathy, which was initially a hobby and became a profession in the course of his studies. The most important teachers were and are Georgos Vithoulkas, Rajan Sankaran, Jan Scholten, Karl-Josef Müller, Alok Pareek, Ananda Zaren, Willibald Gawlik, Alfons Geukens as well as Hal and Sidra Stone (Voice Dialogue).
In addition to the intensive practical work with patients, Thomas considers it an important task to pass on his findings to colleagues as well as to interested laypersons. For this purpose he offers homeopathy evenings, supervision and training. You can find his homeopathy evenings at www.homoeopathieveranstaltungen.de , the portal for homeopathy events.