Question, questions, questions.
Here we answer the most important questions about Corona. But not only the “usual medical” ones, but all those that interest us in these difficult times.
Do people die from the shutdown?
It is unfortunately, unfortunately now already certain that very many people (even in Germany!) will have to die due to the shutdown of many countries. While we in Germany, and even countries like Italy and Spain, “only” lament a few thousand deaths, poor countries will have to lament millions of deaths. How many millions this will be can only be estimated.
How lethal is Corona-19 actually?
This is a question everyone wants to have answered. Unfortunately, we still do not know whether Corona is more deadly, equally deadly or even less deadly than e.g. an influenza flu. The reason for this is that, incomprehensibly, no distinction is made to this day for all deaths in Italy, America, etc., whether the mostly elderly people died from corona or from corona viruses.
What do the latest figures from April 09, 2020 mean?
Let’s do the math. 82 million inhabitants x 2% is 1,640,000 affected. The lethality rate is 0.37%, resulting in 6,068 deaths. How many people were included here, in whom the death occurred due to previous illnesses etc., was unfortunately not said. But if we now assume that untested persons may also have died from the virus, then that might be a real figure.
Why are there still no exact figures?
- Number of negatively tested persons within a previously determined total group
- Number of positively tested persons within a previously determined total group with the following subgroups:
- Positive laboratory test + symptoms
- Positive laboratory test + symptoms + corresponding findings in lung CT
- Positive laboratory test, no symptoms, but corresponding findings in the lung CT
- The number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in the general ward
- The number of COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit
- The number of COVID-19 patients on ventilation
- The number of COVID-19 patients at ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation)
- The number of COVID-19 deceased
- The number of COVID-19 deceased pathologically secured
- The number of infected doctors and nurses
Without these figures we will not be able to determine who has died of Corona and who has not. Why such statistics do not exist to this day, or at least have been initiated, is not known and thus unfortunately only encourages speculation.
Can a doctor tell the difference between influenza and Covid-19?
Are there patients without previous illnesses in whom Covid-19 was the sole cause of death?
What is herd immunity?
How reliable is the test on Corona?
Why does Sweden go its own way?
Do thousands of people die in Belarus?
This “experiment” of President Lukashenko’s must be studied more closely after the crisis and compared with other countries or their lethality figures.
How is Corona transmitted?
How many people die of Corona every day in Germany?
Do more people die of Corona in Italy than in any other country?
Are the RKI and Prof. Christian Drosten the only advisors to our government?
Can respiratory therapies also be negative?
When will there be a vaccine?
* Will the usual regulations for the development of vaccines be overridden for this, as Prof. Drosten demanded of the German government?
* If so, will we risk a second thalidomide?
* Will the state be liable for damages, as Prof. Drosten has demanded?
* Does it make any sense to vaccinate Covid-19 at the end of the year or will the virus not have mutated by then or is there not already a herd immunity?
* How does the state not avoid again to buy millions of vaccine doses, which nobody wants later, like with the swine flu 2009?
Why can't I go for a walk or ride my bike with my family on the beach?
Shouldn't all cashiers be infected?
Why aren't residents allowed to walk in the forest?
Do all sick people have to be ventilated?
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