by Lothar | Apr 14, 2020 | Medical
Below you will find a list of twelve medical experts whose opinions on the coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives of the MSM and the memes so widely circulated in the social media. 12 Experten hinterfragen die Coronavirus-Panik...
by Lothar | Apr 14, 2020 | Medical
Expertly curated, fully referenced facts about Covid-19 to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment. Overview According to data from the best studied countries such as South Korea and Iceland and the cruise ship Diamond Princess, the overall lethalityality...
by Lothar | Apr 14, 2020 | Medical, News
Interview with the well-known book author Dr. Matthias Thöns, specialist for anaesthesiology, emergency, pain and palliative medicine Dr. Thöns, we have to ask something: Mainly elderly people die of and with corona. They talk about the number of intensive care and...
by Lothar | Apr 13, 2020 | Medical, News
Interview Dr. Matthias Thöns, specialist for anaesthesiology, emergency, pain and palliative medicine Dr. Thöns, we have to ask you something: Mainly elderly people die of and with corona. They talk about the number of ICU and respiratory care places. These are...