Corona – Let’s talk about ethics and justice

Interview with the well-known book author Dr. Matthias Thöns, specialist for anaesthesiology, emergency, pain and palliative medicine Dr. Thöns, we have to ask something: Mainly elderly people die of and with corona. They talk about the number of intensive care and...

What basic rights can we still retain?

  A contribution by Lothar Hirneise More and more Facebook accounts, even websites are now being blocked – see Dr. Wodarg or RA Beate Bahner. Behind this are perfidious actions of our German government (1) and also the EU (2). Nothing else than the right of...

Police state: The new desire to punish, spy and denounce

In Austria, everything that has not been explicitly permitted is now prohibited. Disease control is only marginally concerned here. The number is rising and rising – not exponentially, but extremely fast: On 22 March there were 2900 cases to complain about,...