A contribution by Lothar Hirneise

More and more Facebook accounts, even websites are now being blocked – see Dr. Wodarg or RA Beate Bahner. Behind this are perfidious actions of our German government (1) and also the EU (2). Nothing else than the right of free speech given to us by the German constitution is in danger!

Everyone has the right to freely express and disseminate his opinion in word, writing and pictures and to inform himself from generally accessible sources without hindrance. Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by radio and film are guaranteed. There shall be no censorship. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights also protects this: Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights protects the right of everyone to freedom of expression, including the right to hold opinions and to hear the opinions of others. Article 19 thus prohibits state censorship. >/div>

So for a long time now it has no longer been about viruses, but about the suspension of parts of our basic law. What we accuse otherwise totalitarian states, especially China, is now taking place before our eyes in Germany. In addition, there is the controlled media landscape that only acts as propaganda media of the government. We usually accuse states like China of this as well. But there is still a difference to China. We have to pay for our state propaganda also still radio contributions while it is free in China.

But what’s the reason for that? Are so many people that stupid? I think not, because the word stupidity refers to the word knowledge. And this is exactly where the problem lies. If you listen to propaganda channels and read stupid newspapers all day long, then you have a different knowledge than others. Completely independent of school / university education. Therefore my advice to you: Turn off the TV and finally read the books you always wanted to read. Go to independent internet TV stations or, if you have to watch TV, watch the entire season of Downton Abbey with your wife/husband on the sofa. This frees the brain and makes room for new things!


Who does not fight, has already lost. Therefore you should definitely take part in our campaign www.ichbinanderermeinung.de. TODAY! Because tomorrow may be too late.