by Lothar | Apr 14, 2020 | From the economy, News
Which tumor is not urgent? If it’s not an absolute emergency, you have to wait. What it means for cancer patients is that Covid-19 is going straight. “We are prepared for a great rush.” This sentence by Heinrich Iro, the medical director of the...
by Lothar | Apr 14, 2020 | From the economy, News
Actually, yes! Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft: His Bill Gates Foundation is one of the main donors to WHO – and at the same time he earns money from Coca-Cola. 80 percent of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) budget now comes from earmarked donations....
by Lothar | Apr 14, 2020 | News, Policy
In a petition the interest group for medicine demands a long overdue consequence. of Andreas Peglau The IG Med, “these are physicians of all specialties who are practicing throughout Germany and who have come together to stop the dangerous developments in the...
by Lothar | Apr 14, 2020 | Legal information, News
We ARE APPLICATING AGAINST THE INCONSTRUCTIVE LIMITATION OF OUR BASIC RIGHTS! By the enactment of the general decrees since 11.3.2020, our constitutionally guaranteed basic rights were temporarily suspended. How long is completely unclear. The restriction or better...
by Lothar | Apr 13, 2020 | Medical, News
Interview Dr. Matthias Thöns, specialist for anaesthesiology, emergency, pain and palliative medicine Dr. Thöns, we have to ask you something: Mainly elderly people die of and with corona. They talk about the number of ICU and respiratory care places. These are...