I disagree

Never before has there been a comparable crisis and never before have our basic rights been restricted in this way outside of wartime. Every day we hear new, catastrophic reports in the media. But most Germans are not aware that we always hear ONE opinion. Many people, however, think that it would be better if our government finally set up a council of experts and did not rely on a single virologist (Prof. Drosten) and a single institution (RKI). In addition to this, there is the equalisation of many media as we otherwise only know it from non-democratic states. For this reason we have created these internet pages. Out of concern for every person in Germany and all over the world. Please help us to make sure that SCIENCE gets into the heads of politicians, because after Covid-19 will come Covid-20. If we don’t bring our scientific luminaries together NOW to get us out of this crisis and create a model for future crises – when then?





In this video the spokesman of the IBAM team, Lothar Hirneise, explains how IBAM (Ich Bin Aother Magreement) came into being and why it is so important to stick together and explain to our government that we absolutely disagree with the current measures.

Who’s right now? Professor Drosten or Professor Streeck? What are the consequences of the different scenarios? Will more people die by corona or by the shutdown? How should and can we and can we defend ourselves against the terrible and possibly even illegal measures ?

The latest information about Corona and what concerns all of us in this crisis can be found on our news page.

Your current news. More interesting articles HIER

12 experts question the coronavirus panic

Below you will find a list of twelve medical experts whose opinions on the coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives of the MSM and the memes so widely circulated in the social media.  ...

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Facts about Covid-19 – current 07.04.2020

Expertly curated, fully referenced facts about Covid-19 to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment.  Overview According to data from the best studied countries such as South Korea and Iceland and the cruise ship Diamond Princess, the overall lethalityality...

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We thank our friend Ken Jebsen, who was even temporarily arrested on Easter Saturday, for these words. How far do you actually want to go? Locked away in a psychiatric hospital like in Saxony? Monitoring by drone like in Bavaria? Do we only have professional informers left? </Strong…

Please take your time and watch the whole video. It’s worth it!

Below are the videos that you must have seen to better understand what is happening. If not now, then when?

Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi

Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi, specialist for microbiology and infection epidemiology, headed the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Mainz for 22 years. He has written an open letter to the German Chancellor with 5 questions that demand immediate answers to determine how justified the current massive restrictions of our basic rights are. The video explains the questions and their background. The whole letter with the questions, background and references can be downloaded HERE

updated from April 09, 2020

Prof. Hendrik Streeck, virologist, reports the results of his corona research project on the severely affected Heinsberg. And he explains why a relaxation of the restrictions is possible and why. Please look at it to better understand that the current measures, or rather the withdrawal of our basic rights, are totally excessive. Quite apart from the legality.

Another studio guest was Prof. Klaus Püschel, a pathologist by profession: “The fear of the virus is exaggerated”, says the Hamburg forensic doctor, who has so far autopsied 50 corona deaths. He talks about his work and his findings.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Hockertz

immunologist, toxicologist and professor at the University of Hamburg. He was also director of the Institute for Experimental and Clinical Toxicology in Hamburg. In this video he explains why the corona virus is only dangerous for five percent of the population!

More information about Prof. Hockertz

Prof. Dr. Karin Mölling

says that Corona is not a heavy killer virus! The scare tactic is the problem. Among other things, she was professor and director of the Institute of Medical Virology at the University of Zurich (1993-2008) and research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin

Prof. Dr. Carsten Scheller

Professor of Virology at the University of Würzburg. The SARS corona virus is comparable to influenza, even in the death toll! Prof. Scheller laments the poor data situation and deals with estimates that Professor Harald Lesch had made on ZDF television and falsely predicted a collapse of the clinics.

Prof. DDr. Martin Haditsch


specialist in microbiology, virology and infectious disease epidemiology COVID-19. The message that the Leonding specialist in microbiology and infectious disease epidemiology conveys is that the strict measures would be disproportionate to their consequences. The physician suggests isolating only the risk groups, i.e. the elderly.

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Montgomery

From 1989 to 2007 he held the office of First Chairman of the Federal Executive Committee of the doctors’ union Marburger Bund, of which he has been Honorary Chairman since 2007. Also in 2007 he was appointed Vice President of the German Medical Association. He was its president from 2011 to 2019. In the video he explains why he is against a curfew.

Prof. Dr. Ansgar Lohse

Director of the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf. Medical Clinic and Polyclinic (Gastroenterology with sections Infectiology and Tropical Medicine). In this podcast, Prof. Lohse explains why he believes the government’s current approach is wrong and instead advocates, as do many of his colleagues around the world, “controlled infection”.

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Only together are we strong. Help us and send us interesting news, articles, videos or whatever you think can help our movement. You can reach us via email: info@ichbinanderermeinung.de or via this form.

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